Interact Corrugate
A decorative range of pre-rendered panels in a corrugate profile
Interact Corrugate is available in a fine or large corrugate profile on 3mm MDF board. It can be applied to walls and cabinetry, and can be wrapped around large curves. Able to be installed in either a vertical or horizontal orientation on a solid substrate, however consideration must be given to joins, which can be highlighted as a feature with detailing or left as is.
Panels are available in a maximum size of 2.4 x 0.55m and can be cut to a custom size.
A solid substrate is required on which to glue and pin the panels, allowing for the panel thickness if flush details are required.
Able to used as a feature on fireplaces (must be on an E1 MDF Fire Resistant Substrate), walls and joinery, the interact corrugate panels can elevate and add an extra dimension.
Panels are made to order and can be manufactured in the full range of Ambitec colours.
Large Corrugate profile
Large Corrugate in a tiled application
Small corrugate curved
Corrugate Profiles
Possibilities with Interact panels
Fine Corrugate around fireplace
Fine Corrugate on curved wall
Large Corrugate as feature wall
Large Corrugate on fireplace
Fine Corrugate around fireplace
Large Corrugate on fireplace
Large Corrugate on cabinetry
Large Corrugate as feature wall
Application: Walls | fireplaces | Cabinetry
Available Finishes: Suave | SuaveStone
Thickness: 6-10 mm
Texture: Fine corrugate | Large Corrugate
Polish: Matte
Colour: Select colours from our Colour library
Suitable substrates: Plywood | MDF